Anglais: Déplacement star

quizQuestions du QCM

  • 1 Can I..........your passport, please?
  • 2 Where's the nearest..........?
  • 3 What time is the last train..........Dover?
  • 4 When you get there,..........left.
  • 5 How..........are you staying?
  • + 6 questions

hotel_classMeilleurs scores

1. flora-8
16 / 20
(9 points)
2. unique
16 / 20
(9 points)
3. .
16 / 20
(9 points)
4. klaudia
15 / 20
(8 points)
15 / 20
(8 points)
13 / 20
(7 points)
13 / 20
(7 points)
11 / 20
(6 points)
11 / 20
(6 points)
10. david-68
11 / 20
(6 points)